Life hacks

Life hacks

One of the greatest life hacks I’ve learned in my journey so far: Avoid the lonely people, be with optimistic and happy people. It is contagious.

Don’t get caught up in their drama. For it will infect you and cause you great harm emotionally. Be neutral and don’t involve yourself. Show empathy but not sympathy.

Lots of people didn’t realize that emotion can be a virus. It will change you if you don’t guard yourself well. It will also affect on how you view life. It is costly.

Relationships are complicated

Relationships are complicated

I have to begin by saying relationships are complicated. Yes, I just said it. In fact, I can’t begin by emphasizing that it really is complicated. That’s why most of the people I’ve known were afraid of connecting with people, to establish relationships with them. Yeah. It is complicated. I know that.

People come and go. People establish relationships with other people. They come and leave you to pursue their dreams. They’ve changed. That’s pretty natural. In fact, we were acting based on our instincts, we are made to ensure survival of humanity.

The more we establish relationships with people, the more we screwed up. It’s the natural law of the universe – to make mistakes and to learn from it. But just because of the fact that it’s complicated is not an excuse not to establish one. Just as your passion on particular things requires you to make mistakes in order to be better, same as through with establishing relationships with people.
We get better every time we make mistakes. We get to realize what we need to do to minimize our mistakes in the future. That is why we need to get out of our inner shell and socialize with people. Establish relationships with them, as many as you can.love_relationship-wallpaper-1366x768.jpg