My client is interested in making an educational game in schools for their country. He said he’s initially studying Unity3D for that matter in order for him to make one. For some reason, he also asked me if I’m interested in joining him on this venture and making his idea a reality.

Interested, I tried and download Unity. Back then, I wanted to become a game developer at some point in my life. One reason I got interested in joining him is for that as well. It was my dream.

I already tried Unity in the past actually. But before it is quite complex for me to understand it and I don’t know how to start. I was the person who loves to jump into advanced topics and wants to learn it instantly in a shorter amount of time. In short, I was impatient. In the end, I didn’t pursue or continued learning Unity and gave up on Game Development at all.

After reading lots of self-help books nowadays, I now understand how people succeeded and understand mastery in the crafts they are pursuing and doing. It is by understanding fundamentals and realizing everything takes time and process to undergo. And because of that,

Anyway, after I downloaded it, I started watching beginners tutorial vids on unity website. And after that, I succeeded to run a Unity project in 3D.

I’m going to make this as my hobby project for a while. Who knows where this hobby might take me?

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