The War of Art — book review

The War of Art — book review

I learned to combat resistance in myself

Do you believe that your greatest enemy is yourself? I couldn’t agree more than that! The book just made me realize those things, even though the fact that I know about it since I’m a self-help book reader. Almost all books share the same content.

With that reason alone, I’m somewhat skeptical whether I can learn something new from this book. Or whether it can further motivate me to pursue my passion with undivided attention and unwavering determination. Until I’ve found some interesting content. Continue reading “The War of Art — book review”

Mastery — Book review

So I just finished reading Mastery by Robert Greene. I must admit it’s a great read. Indeed, the book lives to its title and reputation.

The book is divided into 7 steps, each explaining the steps towards mastery of such craft or passion you are about to pursue. It is important to take note and achieve mastery in such order, from discovering your calling or potential towards fusing your intuitive approach with a rational approach. Each of them plays a big role in mastery. Continue reading “Mastery — Book review”

I didn’t realize the potential of my course till I graduated

I graduated with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology in our country.

I was stupid. I wasted so much time when I was schooling. I wasted so much time by having lots of procrastination in the past, thinking that I don’t have any future in the course I’m taking at the time. I didn’t see any future. Or maybe because I was limiting my world at the time. Limiting behind the four walls of our school where learning is limited inside of it.

As a student, we barely had any idea whether the course we took was the right one for us. In fact, I had lots of confusions, doubts, and troubles as I mentioned earlier. Lots of my classmates, schoolmates had any doubt in their chosen course as well, and I am no exception.

It was only at the time I graduated and exposed myself further to Cebu I realized LIMITLESS possibilities of my course which is now my profession as Software Engineer. It is very big, very broad, very exciting profession.

We live in an exciting time where technology automates every job! Sooner or later, most of the sectors will now be automated by software, Artificial Intelligence and the job market in Information Technology will continue to rise tremendously once again

Had I realized the potential of my course sooner, I would have dedicated all my time to self-learning and not depend on what the school taught us. Not only that I was able to have bigger rates with lots of clients, but I was able to enjoy my profession as well. There was so much to learn! There’s no single day that I get bored in my profession! I know it can get challenging at times. And worse, you may have little or no time to your family because of ever-changing and rapidly improving technology if you don’t know how to manage your time. While this might be a double-edged blade to some, I’m glad to know that I’m on the right track so far.

But I just missed the opportunity to learn at my own pace at the time I was a student. I just learned that Software Development requires lots of time learning on your own.

I invested in myself, that’s why I succeed

I often hear my colleagues, friends, relatives as to how I’ve made significant improvements in my life – particularly my success towards my career.

All too often, I hear them say that I’m a ‘genius’ or ‘naturally gifted’ that I can do everything in my life right now and tend to be successful in all areas. In fact, they didn’t know what I’ve been through, they have no idea how much I’ve suffered or hurt in achieving this mainstream ‘success’ in my life.

Continue reading “I invested in myself, that’s why I succeed”

Stop generalizing IT people!

I was frustrated at how they generalized IT people as geeks. While some of us can stand and be proud that they’re called the legendary term ‘geek’, I’d rather be not one of them. Yes, I used to be proud of this title, but when I started to get socialized with people more often, the term is just unbearable when I see people started asking me about IT in general. It all started when I started to travel from different places in my country, and connecting with people for the sole purpose of widening my understanding. Continue reading “Stop generalizing IT people!”

The paradox of ‘more’ choices in life

The paradox of ‘more’ choices in life

It occurred to me that more choice leads to happiness and satisfaction. People around us encouraged us to have a good life, gain lots of options, and finally be satisfied with our lives. My mind is programmed by my parents ever since I was a kid to focus in being a successful person one day, work your ass off in a big company to gain bigger income to have lots of choices and live a good life. Continue reading “The paradox of ‘more’ choices in life”

Don’t complicate life; simplify it

In Software Engineering, we have the KISS and SOLID principles to keep every problems simpler to solve and design architectural patterns to further isolate your concerns into a meaningful way. In life, we could also apply that without exerting extra hard work and effort. And enjoy the rest of your day. Working smarter is better than working harder and lessens your stress in the long run.

Don’t complicate life. Simplify it.